
refrigerated laboratory centrifuge

A centrifuge is one of the laboratory equipment that is widely used in separating fluids, gas, and liquids depending on their density. A vessel that contains material and is that is spinning at a high speed, there the centrifugal force takes over to push the heavier material in the outside of the vessel. Labtro centrifuges are high functioning and have been brought over in many industries. The different types of centrifuges are medico centrifuge; the blood bank refrigerated centrifuge, also known as the largest Touch Screen manufacturer and the exporter of membrane feather based Blood Bank Refrigerated centrifuge all over India.

This Blood Bank Centrifuge has three different designs that can be 6 bags, 8 bags or 12 bags depending on customer customization request; Labtro Oil Testing centrifuge or the tabletop centrifuge is used in research institutes for the moisture of furnace oil determining oil exploration. It is designed as per the water determination in an oil testing. This oil testing centrifuge is a solution for the separation, concentration and purification of particles on different densities in a solution. The next one is the high speed refrigerated centrifuge supplied and manufactured by Labtronixed INC

The ultra centrifuge is a microprocessor controlled that is used in the determinating of moisture equivalent of soil, and lastly, the refrigerated floor centrifuge which is used in different fields like that of a blood bank, laboratories, for the serology investigations, molecular biology, separation of serum, pharmaceutical applications and plays an important role in getting the perfect separation of distinct blood fractions.